Thursday, 12 September 2013

Video Optimization Basics: Part 2

The race in achieving popularity in the world wide information highway has just begun. The internet has paved the way for a creation of a global internet marketing campaign. I believe someone once said, back in the days before the boom, that the internet was a dead-end business. It was nothing but a bubble. They were so wrong!

SEO and internet marketing is the new game and for a very good reason. The internet is now loaded with video optimization programs, I would name some right now—but they would have to pay me (LOL)---all of which are user-friendly but at a costly price. Every single major establishment has made it a point to cater to their gadget-internet savvy customers. The mobile phone industry has changed our lives by making the internet accessible to everyone who has an Android phone.

The name of the game is to create your market. Why do you think we have free WIFI everywhere? Hotspots have become hot places. Even the hospitals now have their own free Wi-Fi zones, basically for tired surgeons wanting to take a YouTube break, the nurses updating Facebook while on lunch and to keep the patients from getting bored by surfing the Net, waiting in line to see their physician for their weekly checkups. Businessmen have now expanded their marketing strategy to include Twitter, YouTube, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Bing and blogs, among many other social media marketing tools that allow internet marketing campaigns companies need to stay afloat in this competitive global market. Everyone wants to be on top of their game, meaning being on the top search of every search engine every single day. The SEO business is booming now more than ever.

Videos are in demand; advertising at its best is now available in YouTube and Vimeo. You think you have what it takes to create your own SEO video? Wait, there’s more. I am telling you, it isn’t easy. Every single second, hundreds of videos are uploaded into YouTube; multiply that by how many seconds we have in an hour and how many hours in a day. Read and note the imperatives below.

Here are tips on how to start up doing Basic Video SEO Optimization (Part2)

3. Below 4 to 5 minutes of video length

A study mentioned that the average YouTube viewer will only view a video for 1 minute and 30 seconds. That gives you an idea of how to make sure they stay and watch more. Short, catchy and memorable. The more videos they watch about you, the better. The goal of optimization is to make your market want more. Having multiple videos is inevitable.

4. Content has rich, relevant, dynamic brand awareness
It should be of prime quality content. Ask yourself this question first: Is this worth my time? Then follow-up with other questions like: Would I watch this video? Would I need to get paid to watch this video? Is the content raising awareness for the company brand and services? Create a video marketing campaign that will last a lifetime. A classic take. It should be memorable, worth watching, eye-catching and informative. It should make them want more from you. Your video content should be dynamic, rich and relevant in creating brand awareness. Selecting the right keywords to use for your video script is essential.

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